For a better overview, you may sometimes want to display the value of a ACF custom field in the admin screen of your posts and pages. Adding new custom columns is simple.
learn more Add custom column with ACF field to posts and pages admin screen
For a better overview, you may sometimes want to display the value of a ACF custom field in the admin screen of your posts and pages. Adding new custom columns is simple.
learn more Add custom column with ACF field to posts and pages admin screen
This tutorial will show you how to easily load paginated data from a MySQL database with jQuery, Ajax and PHP. As an example we will load addresses from a user address table.
learn more Tutorial: Pagination with jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL
Promise objects in jQuery help you waiting for a specific action to start only after another action has completely finished. This comes in handy for example if you want to to fade in an element only after another one has completely faded out.
learn more Fade in an element after another element has finished hiding
Centering text inside a div is easy. But how can we center a div inside another div, both horizontally and vertically?